Washoe County to amend Tahoe Area Plan – Tahoe Daily Tribune

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — The Washoe County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday moved forward on the first reading of an ordinance to amend Washoe County code and the Tahoe Area Plan in order to allow single-family dwellings in a commercial zone of Incline Village. The next step will be a second reading before it is fully […]

Should we tell people not to come to Tahoe?

The influential travel magazine Fodor’s recently asked travelers not to travel to some locations this year because of over-tourism and the impact on the local environment of too many visitors. One of the ten areas on the “No List” is Lake Tahoe. “Lake Tahoe has a people problem. Amid the pandemic and the great migration, […]

Tahoe Prosperity Center helps bring $5 million – Sierra Sun

TAHOE CITY, Calif. — The Sacramento Region scored a significant win via an award of $5 million dollars in planning money from the Community Economic Resilience Fund program.  The program — developed and led by the Employment Development Department, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research […]